Top SPT Jobs In & Near Marquette, Michigan

We currently offer 1 of the best available SPT travel jobs in the Marquette, Michigan area. We have new jobs updating daily, so be sure to Apply Now so our specialists can make sure you get first crack. We make it as easy as possible for you to renew nursing licenses and compare SPT nursing jobs by allowing you to filter based on salary, shift type, location or duration to find the right job for you.

The average Sterile Processing Technician travel nurse working near Marquette recently earned about $1,235 weekly in November 1, 2023.

In Marquette proper, the SPT travel nursing market can include hospital facilities like Bell Hospital and Marquette General Hospital. This includes nearby areas like Ishpeming with Bell Hospital (14.1 miles away) and Marquette with Marquette General Hospital (0.3 miles away) to name a few.

Marquette is a great location for SPT travel nurses to live, work and play! Search for additional SPT jobs below or apply now and our American Mobile team will help get you started!

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Best SPT Travel Nurse Jobs in Marquette, MI

1 of 1 Jobs

View in Map
Distance from Marquette
Near Neighborhood in Marquette
Start Date
Contract Length
Job image
Sterile Processing Technician
$1,182 to $1,302

Weekly Pay


850 W Baraga Ave
Marquette, Michigan 49855


10 D


13 Weeks

Start Date

January 8, 2024

1 of 1 Jobs

FAQs About Sterile Processing Technician Jobs in Marquette, Michigan

On average, how much does an SPT travel nurse make in Marquette?

A Sterile Processing Technician in Marquette can make an average of $1,235 per week.

What hospitals and healthcare facilities have Sterile Processing Technician staff in or around Marquette?

  • Bell Hospital in Ishpeming (14.1 miles from Marquette)
  • Marquette General Hospital in Marquette (0.3 miles from Marquette)

Historically, what is the most common contract length for Sterile Processing Technician travel job in Marquette?

Based on recent travel nursing agencies data, the most common duration for a Sterile Processing Technician job in Marquette is 13 Weeks.

How many travel Sterile Processing Technician jobs are available in Marquette currently?

There are currently 1 Sterile Processing Technician travel jobs available in Marquette. We also get new jobs daily, so be sure to apply now and a recruiter will help you find the perfect fit as jobs become available.

How much does a night shift Sterile Processing Technician make on average in Marquette and nearby cities?

A: 8 Hour Night shift Sterile Processing Technician in Marquette can make an average of $1,795 per week based on recent job availability and travel nurse salary data.

What shifts are most common for SPT travel jobs near Marquette?

Based on the last 6 months of data, 8 Hour Day shifts were the most common in Marquette and surrounding areas.

How much does a day shift Sterile Processing Technician make on average in Marquette and nearby cities?

A: 8 Hour Day shift Sterile Processing Technician in Marquette can make an average of $1,407 per week based on recent job availability.

What are the top paying Sterile Processing Technician jobs available in or near Marquette currently?

Locating SPT Travel Nursing Jobs in Marquette

Facilities like Bell Hospital and Marquette General Hospital in Marquette all offer SPT departments. It's an amazing city to work in and is close to neighborhoods like Lakewood (zip code 49855).

Other popular cities near Marquette for SPT job opportunities are Ishpeming (13.6 miles) and Hancock (69.7 miles). These nearby zip codes often have opportunities: 49855 (0.3 miles) and 49849 (14.1 miles).

Marquette Hospitals

In Marquette there are 0 hospitals & healthcare facilities with SPT staff. See what types of shifts, contract durations, job specialties, and nearby neighborhoods each facility might offer to help you find your next SPT travel nursing position in or nearby Marquette.

Hospital Departments Shifts Job Durations Location Nearby Neighborhoods
Marquette General Hospital ICU LD MS NICU PCU Sterile Processor 8 D 8 E 8 N 12 D 12 N 13 Weeks 8 Weeks 580 West College Avenue, Marquette, 49855 Lakewood (49855)

Recently Filled SPT Jobs in & Near Marquette

If you're looking to learn more about travel nurse requirements and SPT jobs in Marquette check out these recently filled positions in Marquette. There have been 7 recently filled SPT travel jobs with specialties like Sterile Processor posted by healthcare facilities. The most recent highest paying job in Marquette was a Sterile Processing Technician job in Marquette with a weekly salary of $2,202 and a contract length of 13 weeks. The lowest paying Sterile Processing Technician travel nurse position in Marquette was a Sterile Processing Technician position in Marquette with a weekly salary of $1,013 and a contract length of 13 weeks.
Job image
Sterile Processing Technician
$1,998 to $2,202

Weekly Pay


580 West College Avenue
Marquette, Michigan 49855


8 D 8 E 8 N


13 Weeks

Start Date

October 3, 2022

Job image
Sterile Processing Technician
$1,786 to $1,969

Weekly Pay


901 Lakeshore Dr.
Ishpeming, Michigan 49849


8 D


13 Weeks

Start Date

July 18, 2022

Job image
Sterile Processing Technician
$1,417 to $1,562

Weekly Pay


580 West College Avenue
Marquette, Michigan 49855


8 D 8 E 8 N


13 Weeks

Start Date

February 6, 2023

Job image
Sterile Processing Technician
$1,246 to $1,373

Weekly Pay


580 West College Avenue
Marquette, Michigan 49855


8 D 8 E


13 Weeks

Start Date

October 24, 2022

Job image
Sterile Processing Technician
$1,182 to $1,302

Weekly Pay


850 W Baraga Ave
Marquette, Michigan 49855


8 D


13 Weeks

Start Date

December 25, 2023

Job image
Sterile Processing Technician
$1,175 to $1,295

Weekly Pay


850 W Baraga Ave
Marquette, Michigan 49855


8 D


13 Weeks

Start Date

November 13, 2023

Job image
Sterile Processing Technician
$1,013 to $1,116

Weekly Pay


580 West College Avenue
Marquette, Michigan 49855


8 D 8 E


13 Weeks

Start Date

October 17, 2022