Pediatric Emergency Room Travel Nursing Jobs in New York for RNs

Top Pedi ER Travel Nurse Jobs in New York for Registered Nurse

AMN Healthcare can help you find the top Pedi ER travel nurse jobs in New York. We have new jobs updating daily, so be sure to Apply Now so our specialists can make sure you get first crack. At AMN Healthcare, we’ve made it easy for you to compare New York Pedi ER nursing jobs by allowing you to filter based on salary, shift type, location or duration to find the right job for you.

The average wage for an Pediatric Emergency Room travel nurse in New York as of Apr 1, 2024 was $3,151 weekly. The city with the highest paying Pedi ER job in New York currently is

If you have a specific start date in mind, we have a variety of options for Pedi ER travel jobs in New York.

There are a variety of contract lengths available for a Pediatric Emergency Room travel nurse job in New York.

New York is a popular place to work for Pedi ER travel nurses, with great things to do, people to meet and places to see! You can learn more about travel nursing benefits here.

Statistics on Pedi ER Jobs in New York

Review helpful statistics about Pedi ER traveling nurse jobs in New York. The data is based on the last three complete months of Pedi ER job postings in the state of New York. It is regularly updated, so you can find the most recent Pediatric Emergency Room job salary trends, the types of shifts and contract durations most commonly available in New York for travel nursing jobs.

Salary Range

Salary Trends

Jobs by Facility types

Frequently Asked Questions about Travel Pediatric Emergency Room Jobs in New York

How much does an Pediatric Emergency Room travel nurse make on average in New York?

A Pedi ER nurse in New York can make an average of $2,826 per week.

How much does a night shift Pedi ER travel nurse make on average in New York?

A: A 12 Hour Night shift Pediatric Emergency Room nurse in New York can make an average of $2,905 per week based on recent job availability.

How much does a day shift Pedi ER travel nurse make on average in New York?

A: A 12 Hour Day shift Pediatric Emergency Room nurse in New York can make an average of $2,526 per week based on recent job availability. Learn more about Travel Nursing Salaries.

What healthcare facilities have RN Pediatric Emergency Room staff in New York?

  • Trillium Health Inc in Rochester
  • Universal Primary Care – Houghton in Houghton
  • The Brooklyn Hospital Center in Brooklyn
  • Fishkill MH Unit in Beacon
  • Wende Correctional Facility in Alden

What types of shifts are most common for Pedi ER travel nursing jobs in New York?

Based on the last 6 months of data, 12 Hour Night shifts were the most common shifts in New York cities.

Locating Pedi ER Travel Nursing Jobs in New York

In New York, cities like Albany and New York City have travel Pedi ER nursing jobs and traveling nurse housing available. It’s a great state to work in, hosting facilities like Trillium Health Inc, Universal Primary Care – Houghton, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Fishkill MH Unit and Wende Correctional Facility, all with nurse specialties and Pediatric Emergency Room staff.

Healthcare Facilities in New York that offer Pediatric Emergency Room Jobs

These are just examples of some of the healthcare facilities in and around the New York area that have historically offered jobs for Pediatric Emergency Room professionals.
Albany Medical Center
Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital – Shiftwise
8 D, 8 E, 8 N, 12 D, 12 E, and 12 N
Job Durations
12, 16, 13, and 8
3959 Broadway, CHC1-115
New York, NY 10032
New York Presbyterian Hospital – Morgan Stanley Childrens Hospital
12 D and 12 N
3959 Broadway
New York, NY 10032

Find Pedi ER Nursing Jobs in New York

* Estimate of payments is intended for informational purposes and includes hourly wages, as well as reimbursements for meal & incidental expenses and housing expenses incurred on behalf of the Company. Please speak with a recruiter for additional details.